Well that was a BUSY summer!

The arrival of the unprecedented spell of warm weather brought with it a flurry of diverse short projects for new clients including The University of Manchester, Aluminati and The Courtauld Institute of Art – and as a partner associate for consultancy projects with Nottingham Trent and London South Bank universities (with Communications Management) and Swansea University and The University for the Creative Arts (UCA) (with Halpin).

From designing and leading a MarComms management workshop to a comprehensive brand audit and competitor review to developing a new campaign narrative and case for support for a multi-million pound capital development vision, the Brand & Reputation service has been in high-demand and has clocked up the miles with work in Manchester, Newmarket, London, Surrey, Nottingham, Swansea, Edinburgh and New York.

Marianne Webb, Head of Marketing and Communications (Humanities) at the University of Manchester offered some great feedback:

The workshop day you delivered was exactly what we needed. The challenges and the way you made us think about things helped to break this down into manageable workloads for the team so they could see more clearly what they need to do. It really worked in terms of continuing that journey towards a different way of working. We now have clear actions and people have committed to them.”